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Monday 8th June @ La Mama Courthouse is EAT MY WORDS! (Second Bite) night. Participation in EAT MY WORDS! is an excellent way for you to refine and improve your completed script or work-in-progress. Your words will be brought to life in front of an appreciative audience of aspiring and experienced playwrights, who will give you feedback.


Up to 6 new works will be presented on the night. Due to the number of works, we are unable to present full-length scripts but will accept script excerpts with a running time of up to 10 minutes (eg. one act of a full-length play). We will also accept short plays of max. 10 minutes.

If you would like to have a piece included in this event, please send us a brief email which contains (1) Your contact details (2) A copy of the script (ie. the pages that you would like presented)

(3) A synopsis of max. 100 words (4) Your preference for HOW the excerpt should be presented – would you like to read it yourself OR have an actor/s read it? *If you would like your excerpt read by an actor/s, please indicate whether male/female actors are required.

Email us at:


All MWT members and non-members, whether presenting a script or not, are warmly invited to join us at this first MWT event for 2014. We look forward to seeing you on the night!