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Events at MWT

Monday 3rd Feb @ 7pm


The Feedback Process


Script Reading and discussion




At this first workshop for 2025, MWT actors will read the short play ‘Second Chance’ written by Hayden Dun (pictured) and then participate in an actor-writer-dramaturg feedback session. This lively, engaging script was developed, workshopped and then showcased during Gasworks Script Lab 2024. It has received further redrafting since then, and provides an excellent example of how constructive feedback from artists and peers can be drawn on to further improve a script. To register for this session, please email us by midday on Friday 31st Jan at

Hayden Dun


2 0 2 5   W O R K S H O P S


Fountain Pen writing


In 2025 our Workshops will run on Zoom from 7pm – 8pm on the first MONDAY of the month. These free monthly online sessions offer an excellent opportunity for MWT playwrights living in all parts of Victoria to refresh existing writing skills and develop new skills. At the end of each 60-minute Workshop, attendees can choose to stay online for a chat with others.

Registration is required for all Workshops, with session summaries and RSVP dates announced on this page and in the MWT Playbill.


Workshop Dates & Details


February 3
Workshop #1
The Feedback Process
Featured writer: Hayden Dun
This first workshop for 2025 will be preceded at 6pm by the AGM.


March 3  
Workshop #2
Monologues that Sing
Q&A with Jennifer Munday
* Zoom


April 7 
Workshop #3
To Plan or not to Plan?
Facilitator: TBA
* Zoom


May 5
Workshop #4
Beyond the Stage – Podcasts
Facilitator: TBA
* Zoom


June 2
Workshop #5
What Makes this Theatre?
Facilitator: TBA
* Zoom


July 7
Workshop #6
The Winter Read

Facilitator: TBA
* Zoom


August 4
Workshop #7
Selling your Script
Facilitator: TBA
* Zoom


September 1
Workshop #8
Antagonist vs Protagonist
Facilitator: TBA
* Zoom


October 6
Workshop #9
Self-promotion for Playwrights
Facilitator: TBA
* Zoom


November 10, 17, 24
UNESCO Workshop Series
Facilitator: TBA
* Zoom


Monday 3rd March @ 7pm


Monologues that Sing


Q&A panel session




A script written for one character, one voice. Bringing it to life on stage should be an easy task for an experienced actor, right? In this Q&A session, director Jennifer Munday (pictured) and some of the actors who will perform in Metropolis Monologues (12th – 18th March) will talk about how they bring the best out of a monologue script. Whether you are an experienced writer of monologues or are considering delving into this theatrical form, an enlightening conversation awaits! To register for this session, please email us by midday on Friday 28th Feb at:

JMMaydayHills Copy