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The World Without Birds

Written by Christine Croyden. Directed by Elizabeth Walley.

26th October – 6th November 2016

A Flower For Moses Melbourne Writers Theatre Clare Mendes

A MUSICAL FABLE written by Christine Croyden. Directed by Elizabeth Walley. Songs by Ellar Filar.

Set and Costume Design by Dagmara Gieysztor.

Lighting design by Matthew Barber.

Performers: Margot Knight (Queen of the Birds), Charlotte Fox, Rhys James and Nathaniel Schneider.

Running time: 60 minutes.

When the Queen of the Birds meets two young COCKtails at the theatre she realises she’s about to fall from her perch. Together with her younger self, a chirpy songbird and notorious party girl, she embarks on a wild musical ride from disco to Weimer-style cabaret and back again.

‘A darkly comic tale of creativity, ageing and finding grace as we’re replaced by the next generation.’
– Emilie Collyer, dramaturge

Congratulations to writer, director, cast and crew on the success of The World Without Birds. It attracted strong audiences and excellent reviews.